суббота, 7 августа 2010 г.

The Program 101 » Blog Archive » Rate that diet! Fad Diet Review ...

In this new series, I'll be reviewing popular/ fad diets and giving you the pros and cons on what works, and what will only waste your time! Of course, you should always check with your doctor before changing your diet and starting something new… THE SOUTH BEACH DIET What is it? Dr. Agatson created this diet during the peak of low fat dieting, where he found his patients had a hard time sticking to that diet- a problem that was alleviated by The South Beach Diet. This is a similar principle to the Atkins diet, but Dr. Agatson felt this was too restrictive and added too much dangerous fat to the diet. Similar to the Atkin's Diet, you go through Phases, with Phase 1 being the most restrictive for the first 2 weeks. This is done to stabilize your blood sugar so that you can re-introduce new carbs into your diet. Kim Cattrall's famous ageless body has been nurtured with the South Beach diet for over 15 years. Basically, this diet will cost you more if you are used to eating Kraft dinner and ready-made meals, whereas if you are a healthy eater used to investing in quality, you shouldn't notice a difference! I have done this diet several times, and while I find it difficult to break up my lifetime relationship with carbs permanently as Kim Cattrall has done, I find that short bursts to this diet really help regulate my sugar cravings. The popularity of this diet has helped in the number of cookbooks and recipes that have been produced in response to the growing demand for this diet.

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