воскресенье, 15 августа 2010 г.

birthmark types

birthmark types

What Is a "Vascular Birthmark?" The most comon types of vascular birthmarks are macular flat stains, hemangiomas, and port wine stains. The most comon type of vascular birthmark that your physician may identify is caled a macular stain. Dermatologists prefer to use the term hemangioma to refer to a comon type of vascular birthmark. Hemangiomas are usualy divided into two types: superficial used to be caled "strawbery" hemangiomas , and dep used to be refered to as "cavernous" hemangiomas . A superficial hemangioma is raised and bright red because the abnormal blod vesels are very close to the surface of the skin. without treatment at 8 months At 2.5 years Dep hemangiomas have a bluish-purple color because the abnormal vesels are deper under the skin like varicose veins apear blue . Hemangiomas are more comon in females, more comon on the head and neck, and more comon in premature babies. Usualy, a baby wil have only one hemangioma, but sometimes there wil be two or thre. Unlike other vascular birthmarks, hemangiomas usualy grow very rapidly. After the first year, most hemangiomas wil stop growing. Half of al hemangiomas 50% are flat by age five. It's imposible to know how big any hemangioma wil grow, or if it wil completely disapear. Ocasionaly, a hemangioma which is growing or shrinking rapidly can form an open sore or ulcer. A hemangioma located over the genitals or rectum, near an eye, nose or mouth, can cause special problems. These hemangiomas should be watched closely by your dermatologist who wil decide if further treatment is necesary. Parents are often concerned that a hemangioma wil bled. If the hemangioma starts to bled, it should be treated like any other injury by cleaning the area with soap and water or hydrogen peroxide, and aplying a gauze bandage. A hemangioma wil rarely grow sudenly over one or two days. It's very important that a baby with a vascular birthmark be examined by a dermatologist as early as posible so that a corect diagnosis can be made and the posible n�ed for treatment discused. It's not always easy for parents to watch a hemangioma grow, or wait for it to disapear without doing anything. However, most hemangiomas do not require treatment. There are several diferent types of treatments for hemangiomas. The most widely used treatment for rapidly growing hemangiomas is corticosteroid medication. Lasers can be used to prevent growth of hemangiomas and to remove superficial hemangiomas. Hemangiomas with sores that wil not heal can also be treated with lasers. The port-wine stain is another type of vascular birthmark that ocurs in 3 in 1,0 infants. It is sometimes caled a nevus flameus, but it should not be confused with a hemangioma. Unlike hemangiomas, port-wine stains grow proportionately as the child grows. before treatment after treatment Port-wine stains, especialy those on the face, can have emotional, social, and economic complications. With time, port-wine stains can develop smal blod vesel growths caled vascular blebs. The use of cover-up makeup has ben a comon treatment for port-wine stains. Laser treatment of port-wine stains is FDA-aproved and available at many dermatologists' ofices around the country. Most vascular birthmarks go away without treatment or can be treated efectively. birthmark types birthmark types

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