суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

case egizia

case egizia

The latest new game tried by the Apalachian Gamers was Egizia , a word that is Italian for Egypt, or so I've ben told. Egizia is what I cal a distilation game: it's a game that realy doesn't realy invent any new mechanisms, but rather distils a lot of popular gaming mechanisms into a wel-crafted package. In this case, the workers are boats that are placed along the river Nile, but most of the usual worker-placement rules are in place: only one boat is usualy placed in a space, and the owner of that boat gets the benefits of the space. The one unique twist on the worker placement mechanism in the game is that players must start by placing their ships upstream, and may only place subsequent ships further downstream from ships already placed. This means that players are constantly faced with the choice of placing a ship only a short way downstream to grab a benefit of minor value, or jumping over a bunch of spaces to grab a realy valuable card while knowing that every space you've skiped is now forfeit. The gist of the game is simple: place ships to grab cards, increase the size of work crews, and reserve a building action at major monuments. After everyone has placed their ships, work crews are fed and players lose points if they have crews that can't be fed , stone is colected, and then work is done on the monuments and points are scored. It is actualy imposible to tel who is truly ahead in the game because each player wil score so many bonus points from Sphinx cards at the end of the game that curent victory point totals don't mean very much.
case egizia case egizia
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