вторник, 16 ноября 2010 г.

cambridge dvd89

cambridge dvd89

Cambridge ̵ DVD-89 DVD Player with 720P Output Description: What Home Cinema Don’t compromise video quality by using anything les than an HDMI or DVI digital conection to your large-scren TV. You ned the Cambridge Audio DVD89 with its gorgeous 720p output. Along with HDMI, the Cambridge Audio DVD89 suports DVI, so that HDTV comes to life with the superior picture quality, to. ̴Just like a mas-produced Subaru WRX that can knock of an expensive European sports car in terms of real-world performance, the Cambridge Audio DVD89 is quite capable of holding its own among more exalted and expensive company,̵ reports the May 206 isue of England’s Tone Dimensions: 4.0″ h x 14.0″ w x 20.0″ l, DVD-Video, DVD-Audio, SACD, DVD+R/RW, CD, MP3 Kodak Picture CD, DivX 3.1, 4, 5, DivX Pro, and XVID HDMI output with HDCP, DVI output with HDCP, component video out Customer Reviews: This player is a realy god buy, if you’re hanging on to an earlier version widescren TV, or 32″ CRT. Contrary to the Amazon description, this unit, which I bought for it’s quite god audio performance DOES NOT play MP3’s. I gues the British haven’t caught up yet… Also ̵ this unit stops playing an audio cd when you pres the ̴back̵ buton to go to the begining of a playing track, which I can only think is a defect. Cambridge Audio is notorious for por quality control, I’m told by my audio sales friend.
cambridge dvd89
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