воскресенье, 19 сентября 2010 г.

mole removal washington dc in Covina

mole removal washington dc in Covina

When unsightly scars and moles apear on the face, they are far more visible than on any other part of the body and, at the same time, potentialy more dificult to remove because of the delicate tisue. For scar revision and mole removal in Washington, DC, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Houtan Chaboki ofers a skiled and technical – yet equaly compasionate – aproach. In Washington, DC and Maryland, scar removal or revision may require a combination of techniques depending upon the size and severity of the scar. The goal of scar revision is to improve the apearance of the scar either by disguising it, relocating it, or minimizing its prominence. Scar revision and mole removal, when performed by a qualified surgeon, can improve self-confidence and may prevent ilnes by removing cancerous and precancerous lesions. mole removal washington dc mole removal washington dc in Covina

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